“11:11, make a wish!” “Look, it’s 11:11!” Have you ever heard people say it? I sure have. The number 1111 is the most popular angel number that people see. It’s basically become the symbol for all angel numbers at this point.
I was curious how many people look up the spiritual meaning of 1111, so I did a quick search. You’ll never guess what I found – over 500,000 people search for it every single month! That’s almost 20,000 people per day searching for it. Breaks down to about 830 searches per hour and 14 searches for this particular angel number every minute!
Spiritual MeaningHow To Tell What 1111 Means Specifically For YouMoney And FinanceTwin Flame JourneySeeing 1111 When Thinking of SomeoneSeeing 1111 Angel Number After A BreakupFeeling Sad or Depressed?PregnancyAfter Praying or ManifestingA Warning Sign
Spiritual Meaning
Angel number 1111 means your thoughts are about to turn into reality. Whatever you’ve been wishing for is on its way as we speak! Every time it pops up, it’s like the universe saying, “Hey, make sure you’re thinking about what you want and not what you don’t want.” Because whatever you think about, good or bad, you’ll end up attracting.
Think of this number as a little nudge reminding you to stay positive. Keep your mind on your goals and dreams, not worries or fears, otherwise that’s what you’ll get instead.
The number 1111 is also often linked to spiritual awakening, taking action, and planting seeds of hope. Instead of just sitting there and yelling at the seed to grow into a flower already, chill out and think positive thoughts. Have faith that one day, a beautiful flower will sprout from that little seed if you just give it time and faith.
Spiritually speaking, 1111 could be a sign from the other side letting you know that everything is OK. We’ve all got guardian angels watching over us, whether it’s the one we got at birth or loved ones who have passed on. And 1111 is a subtle way for them to send some positive vibes your way and let you know they’re there supporting you.
How To Tell What 1111 Means Specifically For You
If you only see it once a day, it’s probably just the universe giving you a little boost to stay positive. But if you’re starting to see it multiple times a day, that’s when it might mean you need to take action. Instead of just sitting around waiting to see what happens, maybe the numbers are trying to tell you it’s time to get off the couch and chase after your dreams.
Also, pay attention to where you notice them the most.
- If you see 1111 on the clock a lot, it could be the universe’s way of saying trust that everything will happen at the perfect time. Seeing the same time on the clock everyday talks about divine timing.
- If you keep seeing it in videos about relationships and love, there’s a chance your soulmate is coming soon.
- And if 1111 keeps popping up on license plates or train/flight tickets, that might be a sign it’s time to quit stalling and get things moving.
Money And Finance

You have to see it in your mind before it can happen in real life. As they say, “If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hands.” That’s the financial message of 1111.
If you’re planning a trip or starting a new project and you see that 1111 popping up, take it as a sign that everything is going to go according to plan, and you’ll get the results you’re hoping for. The same goes if you’re looking for a new job or want to start your own business – 1111 will point you toward the perfect opportunity. All you have to do is ask!
I remember when I was trying to raise money to open up my little coffee shop in Sweden. One day, after learning about the law of attraction, I turned to the universe, saying, “Please, give me a sign I’m heading in the right direction here. Prove to me my dreams are going to become a reality. Please, Universe, show me the sign!” Wouldn’t you know it? Shortly after, I started seeing 1111 everywhere.
I guess that was the universe’s way of saying, “With positive thoughts and affirmations you’ve been putting out there, it’s all going to work out for you.” And sure enough, two years later – the mini coffee shop was up and running.
Love & Twin Flame

In love, the 1111 angel number is saying, “be careful what you wish for” when it comes to romance and attraction. The number is telling us to be really specific about what we want in a partner. It’s not just about looks; it’s about qualities like being faithful, caring, and hardworking. I’ve heard of people saying affirmations like “I want someone who will love me more than anyone” but that leaves it open to maybe getting with someone who is unfaithful or selfish.
When you see 1111 pop up, it means really think about the details. Picture what your ideal partner looks like both inside and out. Be grateful that someone who is perfect for you will come into your life once you are truly ready for them.
In numerology, the number 1 represents new starts, like a tiny seed that’ll sprout into a beautiful flower someday. Or an idea that’ll eventually become reality. Or even one person looking for another. When you see 1111, it means open up your heart to fresh starts. Your heart’s like your own castle, but to let someone in, you have to unlock the door first.
And if you’re already with someone, 1111 is a sign that your bond runs deep. Especially if times are tough right now, take it as a reminder to nourish your relationship – maybe through spiritual connection or quality time together. 1111 is definitely a sign that your relationship is meant to be. Instead of focusing on problems and creating distance, look for ways to solve issues and become even closer.
Twin Flame Journey
When it comes to twin flames, that’s when 1111 really shines. Many people believe this number is a symbol for twin flames, and there’s good reason for that.
Think of 1 as you and 1 as your twin flame. The other two 1s, which are also called the master number 11, represent your souls reflecting each other. Basically, if you think someone is your twin flame, there’s a good chance you or your inner voice is right. The two of you are on this journey to mirror each other’s flaws and pains so you can heal from them.
If you haven’t met your other half yet, seeing 1111 means a twin flame reunion is coming up soon. Be ready for it, but don’t force anything. Just let things flow naturally because for twin flames, perfect timing is everything. When you see 1111, know that a reunion with your twin flame is approaching. Don’t ask how, when, or where. Just have faith.
And if you’re going through a separation from your twin flame, 1111 brings a message of hope and healing. Not only reunions but also separations are meant to help us heal. Once you’ve healed or learned what you needed to, there’s a good chance you’ll get back together. Especially if you keep seeing 1111 during or after the separation period constantly.
Seeing 1111 When Thinking of Someone
If you keep seeing 1111 only when you think of a certain person, it could indicate that the person on your mind is also thinking about you at that very moment, even if you’re apart. Almost like you’re having a moment of shared consciousness.
Now it does matter who the person is. If it’s someone you care about romantically, such as your crush, that could be a sign they feel the same way. Or if it’s a good friend, it’s possible in that moment you crossed their mind as well. 11:11 works like a mirror that way.
Seeing 1111 Angel Number After A Breakup
If you recently went through a breakup and have been seeing 1111 pop up everywhere when thinking of your ex, it could be a sign that you’re healing emotionally and that everything is going to be okay. Your guardian angels are watching out for you, even when it seems like nobody else cares.
Feeling Sad or Depressed?
When you’re feeling down in the dumps, sad, or depressed, but keep seeing the same number pop up all over, think of it as getting a big heavenly hug. It’s like the angels are telling you, “Don’t be sad. We know you can’t see us, but we’re sending you these signs to let you know we’re here, and we want you to redirect your thoughts to something more positive.” They’re cheering you up and encouraging you to shift your thoughts.
I know that seeing those repeating numbers pop up during difficult times can be discouraging..but I’ve found it helps to change my perspective on it. Think of it as a sign you’re not alone in what you’re experiencing. There’s something bigger at play that wants you to remember that you have support, even if you can’t see it.
Do you remember when I mentioned planting that seed earlier? Seeing 1111 could be a little sign that you are pregnant. The “seed has started to sprout” and things are getting underway. 1111 is all about fresh starts as well, so a new pregnancy would make a lot of sense as the meaning behind this angel number popping up.
After Praying or Manifesting
“Your wish is my command!” That’s what seeing 1111 right after manifesting or praying means. It wants you to know that your request has been received and will be granted. I always think of 1111 as the universe doing a little “abracadabra” and making your dreams come true.
A Warning Sign
Some people believe that angel numbers can act as warning signs. And I get where they’re coming from with that. But the way I see it, angel numbers aren’t actually good or bad. They’re just neutral energy. But if 1111 was supposed to be a warning sign, it would be warning you against negative thinking. It is a gentle nudge to lift yourself up and think positively instead.
Also Check These Angel Numbers:
- Angel Number 1212
- 811 Angel Number
- Angel Number 606
- Angel Number 1717